The Yellow Warbler was sited and photographed at the Wehr Nature Center, Milwaukee, WI.

The Yellow Warbler was sited and photographed at the Wehr Nature Center, Milwaukee, WI.

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Yellow Warbler

No other Warbler is so extensively yellow as the Yellow Warbler. The male has rusty breast streaks. The female has faint or is lacking breast streaks. The habitat is bushes, swamp edges, streams, or gardens. Eats most insects. The range is the northern half of the US and Canada.

You can see the sited location at the Wehr Nature Center, Milwaukee, WI by clicking the link below. The Yellow Warbler was sighted this year at the Wehr Nature Center, Milwaukee, WI.

Select this link to see the Yellow Warbler site where it was sighted and photographed.