This Turkey Vulture was photgraphed on a power line right-of-way in Pittsboro, NorthCarolina.

This Turkey Vulture was photgraphed on a power line right-of-way in Pittsboro, NorthCarolina.

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The Turkey Vulture is an eagle sized (spread 6 ft) black bird with a red turkey like head. Immature birds have black heads. When overhead note the 2-toned blackish wings as it soars, rocks and tilts unsteadily. It is a familiar sight over much of North America. It is a bird-of- prey and plays an important role in natures clean up, quickly disposing of carcasses of dead animals. It has a range over the United States and Southern Canada. It migrates in flocks and may travel long distances without feeding. It has a widespread habitat over open country, woods, deserts, and foothills. It varies from the Black Vulture by having a red head and a longer tail. It feeds mostly on carrion (dead animals and fish).