The male Great-Tailed Grackle was photographed in San Antonio, Texas

The male Great-Tailed Grackle was photographed in San Antonio, Texas

The female Great-Tailed Grackle was photographed in San Antonio, Texas

The female Great-Tailed Grackle was photographed in San Antonio, Texas

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The male Great-Tailed grackle is a large purple-blue-glossed bird with long tail and pale yellow eyes. The female Great-tailed Grackle is much smaller than the male and is brown-gray with a paler breast and pale yellow-white eyes. It has a range from the southwest United States to Peru. It has a habitat in open and semi open country, groves, thickets, farms, towns, and city parks. Its diet is varied that includes insects, spiders, millipedes, snails, crayfish, tadpoles, small fish, lizards, and eggs. It often feeds and moves in flocks.