This male Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was photographed in Muskego, Wisconsin

This male Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was photographed in Muskego, Wisconsin

This female Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was photographed at Veterans Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

This female Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was photographed at Veterans Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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The male Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher is a tiny bird blue-gray above and white below with a white eye-ring and a black stripe above, and a long black tail. The female has similar looks as the male except may be grayer, and doesn’t have a black stripe above the eye and forehead. It has a range from southern Oregon, and southern Ontario to Guatemala. It has a habitat in open woods, oaks, pines, brushy areas, and thickets. It has a diet of mostly insects. It is often seen high in trees or taller brush.