The male Purple Martin was photographed in Baxter Springs, Kansas

The male Purple Martin was photographed in Baxter Springs, Kansas

the female Purple Martin was photographed with the male and three full Purple Martin birdhouses

The female Purple Martin was photographed with the male and three full Purple Martin birdhouses

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The male Purple Martin in uniformly blue-black above and below and is North Americas largest swallow. The female Purple Martin is brownish-gray above, a light belly and throat, and with a faint collar. It has a range from southern Canada to northern Mexico. It has a habitat of towns, farms, semi-open country, mountain forest edges near water, and lowland desert with giant saguaro cactus. Almost all Purple Martins nest in birdhouses put up especially for them. It feeds on a wide variety of flying insects: wasps, flying ants, bees, beetles, moths, and butterfly s.