April 2012

The Palm Warbler is one of the first Warblers that I photographed. This one was photographed from an uptairs window.

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The Palm Warbler is brown above and yellowish or whitish below. In the spring it has a chestnut cap. The breast is narrowly streaked. It has a habitat of wooded borders, low trees, bushes, and ground cover. It likes to hide behind branches and cover in shaded places. It has a normal range of Canada and the NE United States. It Winters in the South United States to the Caribbean area. They feed on insects and berries.

The Bonaparte’s Gull is the smallest Gull usually seen in North America.

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The Bonaparte’s Gull is a small gray and white Gull with red legs, and a black head in the summer. The winter adult has a white head with a black earspot. This is the smallest gull usually seen over North America. It nests in trees and not on the ground, as other gulls do. Its normal range is from Alaska to central Canada. It winters on the Great Lakes and the coasts of the United States. Its habitat is Ocean Bays, rivers, and lakes. The diet is insects, crustaceans, and fish.

Mute Swans are found around the Great lakes and the northeastern coast of the United States.

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Mute Swan

The Mute Swan is a white graceful swan with a black-knobbed orange bill tilting to the ground. It often swims with an S-curve in the neck. The immature young birds have black at the base of a pinkish bill. It was introduced from Europe. It has a range around the Great Lakes and is expanding to the Northeast coast of the United States. It has a habitat at fresh and salt-water ponds, coastal lagoons, and salt bays. The diet is mostly plant material consisting of seeds, stems, leaves, pondweeds, and algae.

One of the areas where the Mute Swan was photographed was at the Vernon Marsh Wildlife Area near Mukwonago, Wisconsin.

Select this link to see panorama photos of the Vernon Marsh Wildlife Area