Yellow Headed

The Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrot was photographed at Parrot Mountain in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

The Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrot was photographed at Parrot Mountain in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

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The Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrot is bright green with a yellow head and beak with a red patch at the bend of the wing and the tail, a sometimes yellow on the end of the tail feathers, and gray legs. Their range is mainly in the pine forests and mangroves in Guatemala, and coastal slopes of Mexico. They may be seen around Los Angeles and southern Texas. The popularity as a pet has severely reduced its numbers in the wild, as it is one of the parrots that talk best. The population is estimated at 7000. It feeds on fruits, seeds, and buds.

This Yellow-Headed Blackbird was photographed at Vernon Marsh in Muwonago, Wisconsin.

The female Yellow-Headed Blackbird was photographed with the male and baby a they were feeding.

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The male Yellow-Headed Blackbird is a marsh blackbird with an orange-yellow head and breast, and a white wing patch that can be seen in flight. The female Yellow-Headed Blackbird is browner with a light brown head and breast, and with the lower breast streaked with white. They are gregarious Blackbirds. The male is impressive to see as it darts around. There range is Southern Canada, western United States, and upper Mississippi Valley, to northwestern Mexico. They winter in southwestern United States and Mexico. They habitat in fresh marshes, forage in fields, and open country. They diet on mostly insects and seeds.