The American White Pelican during breeding was photographed in San Antonio, Texas Zoo.

The American White Pelican during breeding was photographed in San Antonio, Texas Zoo.

The American White Pelican with no breeding plumage without centerboard on the ridge of the bill.

The American White Pelican not in breeding plumage, without centerboard on the ridge of the bill.

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The American White Pelican is a huge white bird with black primaries and a great orange-yellow bill. Adults in breeding plumage have a centerboard on the ridge of the bill. It has a 9 foot wingspan. It has a range in western and central North America. It winters along the west and gulf, and east Florida coats. It has a habitat on lakes, marshes, salt bays, and beaches. It feeds mostly on fish and crayfish by dipping the bill into water and scooping them up.