New Berlin

The white band on the tail tip easily identifies the Easter Kingbird.

This Eastern Kingbird was photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Select this link to see an album of Eastern Kingbird photos, then select slideshow

The Eastern Kingbird can be seen in the eastern and Midwest states and central Canada. This was my first sighting, as a group was migrating through the area. The white band across the tail tip easily identifies them. They were in their normal habitat of wood edges, river groves, farms, orchards, roadsides, fencerows, and wires. They like to harass crows and hawks, and this is the reason I saw them as they were chasing some crows, and making noise.

Located in water soaked soybean field in New Berlin, WI

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Sandhill Crane

Sand Hill Cranes have a spotted range across the eastern U.S. and are resident year round in center Florida.