
The Brewer’s Blackbird was photographed at Wind Lake Sod Farms in Union Grove, Wisconsin.

The Brew’s Blackbird has been difficult for me to photograph, because of its normal range and the few that migrate through the area.

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The male Brewer’s Blackbird is a common blackbird of the West that may have purplish or greenish reflections (usually during breeding) on the body, and has a white eye with a black center. The female Brewer’s Blackbird is a gray-brown color with a dark eye. It has a range of Southwest Canada, and West and North Central United States. It has a habitat of fields, prairies, farms, and parks. It has a diet of mostly insects, seeds, and some berries.

This male Rusty Blackbird was photographed at Lakeshore State Park on Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

A male Rusty Blackbird with a fall and winter coloring

This female Rusty Blackbird was photographed at Northpoint, north of Bradford Beach, on Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Rusty Blackbird

The male Rusty Blackbird is mainly black with a yellow eye and is about the size of a Robin. In the fall and winter the male Rusty Blackbird has a rusty coloring with black stripes on the wings and barring on the breast. The female has a tan color in the fall and winter or slate coloring in the spring with a clean breast. It has a winter range of Alaska and eastern Canada, a summer range of southeaster United States. In migration and winter it is usually found in swampy places or wading in very shallow water. In migration and winter it is usually found in swampy places or wading in very shallow water. Its diet is mostly insects and seeds. It was found and photographed migrating through Wisconsin during the fall.



This Yellow-Headed Blackbird was photographed at Vernon Marsh in Muwonago, Wisconsin.

The female Yellow-Headed Blackbird was photographed with the male and baby a they were feeding.

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of theYellow-Headed Blackbird

The male Yellow-Headed Blackbird is a marsh blackbird with an orange-yellow head and breast, and a white wing patch that can be seen in flight. The female Yellow-Headed Blackbird is browner with a light brown head and breast, and with the lower breast streaked with white. They are gregarious Blackbirds. The male is impressive to see as it darts around. There range is Southern Canada, western United States, and upper Mississippi Valley, to northwestern Mexico. They winter in southwestern United States and Mexico. They habitat in fresh marshes, forage in fields, and open country. They diet on mostly insects and seeds.