June 2014

This Swamp Sparrow was photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

This Swamp Sparrow was photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Swamp Sparrow

The Swamp Sparrow is a dark rusty sparrow with a dull gray breast, an outlined white throat, and a rusty-reddish cap. It has a range east of the Rockies from Canada to the Gulf Coast. It has a habitat in marshes with tussocks, bushes, or cattails, and sedgy swamps. The diet is mostly insects and seeds. It is usually a solitary sulker in dense cover.

This Eastern Wood Pewee was photographed at Lake Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

This Eastern Wood-Pewee was photographed at Lake Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Eastern Wood Pewee

The Eastern-Wood Pewee is a sparrow sized brown-gray color, with two white wing bars, and no eye-ring. It has a dusky gray breast and a partially yellow lower beak. The wings extend further down the tail than other flycatchers. Its range is from south Canada and eastern half of the United States. It has a habitat in woodlands and groves.