The male Ruddy Duck in a winter coat.

The male Ruddy Duck in a winter coat was photographed behind the Calatrava Milwaukee Art Museum in Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The female Ruddy Duck with a dark line across the cheek.

The female Ruddy Duck with a dark line across the cheek.

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The male Ruddy Duck is a small chubby white cheek with dark cap and a gray color in the winter coat. The summer coat is a rusty red and the bill is dull blue. The female Rusty Duck is similar to the winter, male but with the cheek crossed with a dark line. They often cock the tail vertically and cannot walk on the land. It has a range from southern Canada to northern South America, and occasionally seen around the Great Lakes and eastern US. It has a habitat at fresh marshes, ponds, lakes, and in winter salt bays. It has a diet of mostly seeds, roots, and insects. It forages by diving and swimming underwater, propelled by its feet, and using the bill to strain food items from the mud.