Bender Park

The Clay-Colored Sparrow was photographed at Bender Park in Oak Creek, Wisconsin

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The Clay-Colored Sparrow is a small pale brown sparrow with a plain breast, a light crown stripe, an outlined ear patch, brownish rump, and a clean gray nape. It has a range from west and central Canada to north central United States. It has a habitat of scrub, brushy prairies, and Jack Pines. It is found perched in thickets. It has a diet of mostly seeds and insects. It is very close in looks to a Chipping Sparrow and is hard to distinguish.


The Bank Swallow is elusive and fluttery as it stops for moments to gather food

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The Bank Swallow is a brown backed swallow with white below and a shaded brown waistband. The Bank Swallow is the smallest of the swallows. It has a widespread range of the Northern Hemisphere. Its habitat is near water, over fields, marshes, streams, and lakes. It nests in colonies in sand banks. The nest is one of the few places that the Bank Sparrow rests for a short time, and it is usually difficult to photograph them. They were photographed at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee, and Bender Park in Oak Creek  Wisconsin.


The American Pipit was photographed north of Bender Park in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

The American Pipit was photographed north of Bender Park in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

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The American Pipit is a slender brown bird with buffy streaked underparts, a slender bill, and white outer tail feathers. It has a range of the colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere. It has a habitat of tundra, alpine slopes, plains, bare fields, and shores, and can be found throughout the United States during migration. It feeds on mostly insects and some seeds by walking on the ground. It can often be seen wagging its tail while walking and feeding.


The Eastern Meadowlark was photographed at Milwaukee County Bebder Park in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

The Eastern Meadowlark was photographed at Milwaukee County Bebder Park in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

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The Eastern Meadowlark is a chunky brown speckled brown bird with a bright yellow throat and breast with a black V on the breast. It has a short tail with a patch of white on each side. The cheek is white. It has a range from southeast Canada and the eastern half of the United States. It has a habitat of open fields, pastures, meadows, and prairies. It is usually not first seen, but heard by a guttural chatter that is a distinctive sound. Its diet consists of mostly insects and seeds by foraging while walking on the ground.

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