The Townsend's Solitaire was photographed at Wil-o-Way in Grant Park located in South MIlwaukee, Wisconsin on Lake Michigan

The Townsend’s Solitaire was photographed at Wil-o-Way in Grant Park located in South MIlwaukee, Wisconsin on Lake Michigan

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The Townsend’s Solitaire is a slim gray bird with a white eye-ring, white sides on the tail, and buffy wing patches. They are in the Thrush family, and have a long tail. As the name applies it is usually seen alone. It has a range of Alaska, northwestern Canada, and the western United States. In the winter it ventures eastward to the Great Lakes and New England. It has a habitat of conifer forests in mountains, rocky cliffs; in winter, junipers, open woods, brush, and wooded streams. It eats mostly berries and insects, and may hover momentarily while plucking berries and insects among the foliage. The tree on which this Townsend’s is feeding is known as a Amur Cork tree and is native to the Amure River area of Manchuria.