
Most Costa Rica bird photos were taken in southern areas like this.

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The Bank Swallow is elusive and fluttery as it stops for moments to gather food

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The Bank Swallow is a brown backed swallow with white below and a shaded brown waistband. The Bank Swallow is the smallest of the swallows. It has a widespread range of the Northern Hemisphere. Its habitat is near water, over fields, marshes, streams, and lakes. It nests in colonies in sand banks. The nest is one of the few places that the Bank Sparrow rests for a short time, and it is usually difficult to photograph them. They were photographed at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee, and Bender Park in Oak Creek  Wisconsin.


The male Purple Martin was photographed in Baxter Springs, Kansas

The male Purple Martin was photographed in Baxter Springs, Kansas

the female Purple Martin was photographed with the male and three full Purple Martin birdhouses

The female Purple Martin was photographed with the male and three full Purple Martin birdhouses

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The male Purple Martin in uniformly blue-black above and below and is North Americas largest swallow. The female Purple Martin is brownish-gray above, a light belly and throat, and with a faint collar. It has a range from southern Canada to northern Mexico. It has a habitat of towns, farms, semi-open country, mountain forest edges near water, and lowland desert with giant saguaro cactus. Almost all Purple Martins nest in birdhouses put up especially for them. It feeds on a wide variety of flying insects: wasps, flying ants, bees, beetles, moths, and butterfly s.

These Barn Swallows were photographed at the McKinley Park Beach on lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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The Barn Swallow is blue-black above with cinnamon-buff below and with a darker throat. The only swallow that is truly swallow-tailed. The wings are pulled back at the end of the stroke and have little gliding. The range covers most of the United States and Canada, except for the southeast US. It has a habitat in open or semi-open land, farms, fields, marshes, lakes, and wires. It usually nests on beams inside of barns or buildings. It feeds on a wide variety of flying insects.

The Northern Rough-Winged Swallow was photographed in Lake Park north of Bradford Beach in Milwaukee, wosconsin.

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The Northern Roughed-Winged Swallow is a brown backed Swallow with a dusky throat. The Rough-Winged is a solitary Swallow and is usually seen alone or in small groups. It feeds on a variety of flying insects, and moths, caterpillars, spiders and mayflies. It has a range from Southern Canada to Argentina. The habitat is near streams, lakes, or rivers and nests in vertical dirt banks.