
the Great Crested Flycatcher was photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Whitnall park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Great Crested Flycatcher was photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Whitnall Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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The Great Crested Flycatcher is a large sized flycatcher with cinnamon wings and tail, a gray breast, and a yellow belly and with a black beak, eyes, and legs. It is more easily heard than seen, but is impressive when seen. It has a range of South Canada, and eastern and central United States. It feeds on a wide variety of insects.

The Olive-Sided Flycatcher was photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Franklin, Wisconsin.

The Olive-Sided Flycatcher was photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Franklin, Wisconsin.

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The Olive-Sided Flycatcher is a large gray flycatcher with a large head and bill, and with a white throat and breast with contrasting light gray flanks separated by a white strip. It has a range of Alaska, Canada, and western and northeaster United States. It has a habitat of conifer forests, and burned out, and cleared areas. It feeds almost entirely on flying insects, and likes to view them from treetops.

This Scissors-Tailed Flycatcher was photographed near Bell City, Louisiana

This Scissors-Tailed Flycatcher was photographed near Iowa, Louisiana at an Everyday Mart

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Scissor Tailed Flycatcher

The Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher is a pale pearly gray bird with sides and wing linings salmon pink, black and white wings and tail, and an extremely long scissor-like tail, usually folded. It has a range from southeast Colorado and south Nebraska south to eastern New Mexico and south Texas.  It has a habitat in semi-open country, ranches, farms, roadsides, and wires. It feeds mostly on insects. It is often seen on roadside fences such as the one seen here at a Everyday Mart stop in cattle farm country.