
This Eastern Phoebe was photographed on Greer Creek Road, Marshfield, Missouri.

These immature Eastern Phoebes were photographed on a bush outside our ding room window as they were being trained for flight and feeding.

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The Easter Phoebe is a gray-brown sparrow sized flycatcher without an eye-ring or strong wing bars with a white chest and a flattened black bill. It has a range of East of the Rockies in the United States and from Central Canada to southern United States. It has a habitat of streamsides, bridges, farms, woodland edges, and roadsides. They feed on mostly insects, by watching from a perch and flying out to catch them, and some berries. It can be noted as it is perching with a bobbing tail, and it has a sharp chip sound. It is one of the earliest migrants that spring is at hand.

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This Eastern Wood Pewee was photographed at Lake Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

This Eastern Wood-Pewee was photographed at Lake Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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The Eastern-Wood Pewee is a sparrow sized brown-gray color, with two white wing bars, and no eye-ring. It has a dusky gray breast and a partially yellow lower beak. The wings extend further down the tail than other flycatchers. Its range is from south Canada and eastern half of the United States. It has a habitat in woodlands and groves.

The Eastern Meadowlark was photographed at Milwaukee County Bebder Park in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

The Eastern Meadowlark was photographed at Milwaukee County Bebder Park in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

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The Eastern Meadowlark is a chunky brown speckled brown bird with a bright yellow throat and breast with a black V on the breast. It has a short tail with a patch of white on each side. The cheek is white. It has a range from southeast Canada and the eastern half of the United States. It has a habitat of open fields, pastures, meadows, and prairies. It is usually not first seen, but heard by a guttural chatter that is a distinctive sound. Its diet consists of mostly insects and seeds by foraging while walking on the ground.

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For the nesting season males become bolder and may be seen singing in the braches instead of normally scratching leaf litter under dense thickets

For the nesting season males become bolder and may be seen singing in the braches instead of normally scratching leaf litter under dense thickets

These Rufous-Sided or Eastern Towhees were photographed at Fearrington village Camden Park in Pittsboro, North Carolina

These Rufous-Sided or Eastern Towhees were photographed at Fearrington village Camden Park in Pittsboro, North Carolina

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The male Rufous-Sided Towhee has a black chest, head, and back with rufous sides and a white belly. The female is similar to the male except for being brown where the male is black. It has a white streaked pattern in the wings and tail. It is smaller and more slender than a Robin. It has a red eye. It has a range in the eastern half of the United States. It has a habitat in open woods, undergrowth, and bushy edges. It is a secretive bird that is found industrially scratching in the leaf litter under dense thickets. It feeds mostly on insects, seeds, and berries.


A small gray mouse colored bird with a tufted crest. It lives in the eastern half of the United States.

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The Tufted Titmouse is a small gray colored bird with a tufted crest and rusty colored flanks. Its range is from southern tip of Ontario south to the Gulf States. It is common all year in the eastern states and likes sunflower seeds at feeders. Its habitat is woodlands, shade trees, groves, and feeders.

The above Tufted Titmouse was photographed at the Sarah P Duke Gardens at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

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Taken at Fearrington Village, Pittsboro, NC

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Eastern Bluebird

The Eastern Bluebird has a range east of the Rockies from Canada to the Gulf coast. During the right time of the year they are fairly easy to find and photograph.