The female Northern Parula Warbler was sited and photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The female Northern Parula Warbler was sited and photographed at the Wehr Nature Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The male Northern Parula Warbler was photographed two years later than the female in Joplin, Missouri

The male Northern Parula Warbler was photographed two years later than the female (4/15/2013) in Joplin, Missouri

Select this link to see photos or a slideshow of the Northern Parula Warbler

The female Northern Parula Warbler is a bluish warbler with a yellow throat and breast and two wing bars. They are brightly colored active birds with thin needlepointed bills. A green patch on the back is a clinching point for identification. The male Northern Parula Warbler is darker in coloring and is distinguished from the female by a dark band across the breast. They are impressive to first see flittering in the trees and brushes. Its habitat is mainly in humid woods. It mainly eats insects. Its normal range is eastern half of the states and Canada. It winters in Florida, Mexico to the West Indies, Nicaragua. I sighted the female on the migration North for two days at the Wehr Nature Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I saw the male two years later in Joplin, Missouri.

You can see the sited location at the Wehr Nature Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin by clicking the link below.

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Select this link to see the Northern Parula Warbler site where it was sighted and photographed.